Mixing Lompoc’s Long Rider Band


I prepared some quick mixes for the Long Rider band the day after recording and they spent a few days listening before our scheduled mix session.

When the band came in Matt (guitar) said that the mixes were actually great and needed only a few small changes.

I brought  the level of Matt’s guitar down to better match the level of Rodney’s guitar. We brought up a few solos, added a touch of reverb and slap echo to the vocals and we were pretty much done. We even had time to clean up a few odds & ends to make sure everyone was satisfied.

It was nice to have few minutes to chat with guys while the mixes burned to CD.

Rodney (guitar) was kind enough to pass along this extremely kind message via email:

“very pleased with the Demo. It is an accurate (to me) representation of the band’s live sound, minus the open sore mistakes, but with an honest mix of inspiration, warts, and performance joy. Your knowledge and quick hand with the studio resources provided a transparency of the technical that allows us to focus on the mood and music. Your suggestions during the process were spot on and informative, your understanding of our musical goals sponsored a climate of collaboration instead of compromise.  – And, you can quote me on this.”

Wow! Thank You, Rodney!

It was great to see the guys live again on Saturday at the Wicked Shamrock in Lompoc, I’m stoked to hear that they enjoyed their time in the studio.

Matt, Rodney, Kim, Jack & Rusty my hat is off to you guys!


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