Songwriting Tip: Rhyme Worksheet

You’ve gotten to the point now where your songs are starting to take shape; now it’s time to start writing the lyrics. If you’re writing any type of popular music- rock, folk, rap, etc.- you’re probably going to want the words to rhyme, right? Okay, cool. There are some people who actually prefer to start […]

Songwriting Tip: Stream of Consciousness Album Writing

Just like any other creative skill, a lot of songwriting is just about keeping the gears greased. With the way modern music is made, this can be a difficult practice to enforce. There are few tried and true methods that have worked for me, and one of them is Stream of Consciousness Album writing. The […]

Understanding The Circle of Fifths

Fifths are your friend. You’ve probably heard by now that there are 12 tones in the Western musical scale. It’s the kind of stuff we musicians talk about when civilians are out of earshot, so as not to divulge our secrets. I kid; but at some point, you’ve probably become accustomed to the way that the notes […]

Songwriting Tip: The Replacement Method

Most of the time, the most difficult part of songwriting is just doing it. We build up these mythologies around songs that we love, and as a result, we believe that songs will just “come to us” when the time is right. While songs will sometimes just come to you, 95% of the time, you’re […]